Friday, 21 September 2012

Twitter VS Facebook

There are so many social networking sites nowadays, Tumbr, Instagram, all that kind of stuff. But I would think that the two most popular would be Twitter and Facebook.

Now, everyone that uses these sites would know that they are quite different, and everyone would have their opinion as to which one is better.
So today, I'm going to give my point of view, and share some of what I think are the pros and cons of Facebook and Twitter.

I was actually going to make this post 'Three Reasons Why Twitter Is Better Than Facebook', but I didn't think that would be fair, so I went with this instead.

So let's get down to business..

-You can choose what sort of people you socialise with and what you see in your timeline. By this I mean the sort of people that you follow. For example, I obviously love The Hunger Games, so most of the people I follow are either actors and actresses out of the movie, or fans just like me. I find this really great because I don't have many friends in  real life that have read the book or even seen the movie, so it's good having people on twitter that I can talk to and that will relate to how I am feeling when something exciting happens in our fandom, like somebody being cast as character in Catching Fire, or a competition being announced.
-You can tweet as much as you like. Twitter is made for saying what you want to say, when you want to say it. There is no limit on how much you say, well there is, but you'd have to be a pretty avid tweeter to reach tweet limit.
-It's a good way to talk to and find out about what your favourite celebrities are doing. When a celebrity tweets, it's always fun to tweet them back with plenty of meaningless tweets, but it's amazing when they reply.
-Pretty much anybody can see what you post.
-You don't always know who's behind an account. Because there's people from around the world on Twitter, you won't know everybody, obviously. So sometimes it's hard to know whether it is safe to talk to them or not. Most of the time, they're just friendly kids that wan't to talk to you about your many interests or obsessions,  but you've got to be careful.

-It is more private than Twitter. You can choose who can see your things and how much they see.
-There is no limit on how long your statuses or messages can be!! On twitter, your tweets can only be 140 characters long, and some times I find this a bit restricting. So Facebook is good if you want to write longer things and get your point out.
-Like I said before, barely anyone that I know is a fan of The Hunger Games, so if I post something like a photo or a quote on Facebook about it, no one will understand. It's kind of annoying sometimes.

And there we have it!! Personally, I prefer Twitter, as you can probably tell because the Twitter section is probably about twice as big as the Facebook section, haha.

So what's your opinion? Do you agree with me? Do you think Twitter is better than Facebook, or the other way around? Or maybe there's a whole other social network that you think beats both of these!! Let me know what you think by dropping me a comment below, or tweeting me at @UrbanNerd_.

I'd love to hear what you all think!!


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