1. Meet Amandla Stenberg.
I absolutely must meet her, she is my role model and I just find her to be so inspiring.
I'm not sure how I'm going to do this, because I live in Australia, but I am extremely determined.
Amandla is so so gorgeous and if I ever met her I would tell her how much I look up to her, but I would probably not be able to get any words out.
This is definitely number one on my bucket list.

2. Hug an orangutan.
For years I have been so in love with orangutans.
They are just so cute, and when I'm older I want to go to Borneo or Sumatra for a little while and help look after them. It would be an absolute dream come true to hug an orangutan.
3. Learn how to whistle.
This one might sound a bit silly, but I can't whistle. No matter how hard I try, no matter how many different ways my Dad tries to teach me, I just can't do it.
I really want to learn how to whistle, I'm actually kind of jealous of those people who can.
4. Write a book and get it published or appear in a movie or TV Show.
I would absolutely love to have a book published or appear in a movie or TV Show.
I think just the idea of people reading something that I have written, it's just so cool, and I guess that's why I love writing this blog so much.
Also, even if it was just as an extra, in a TV Show or movie, I'd still love it. I know this will probably never happen, but I really want to be an extra in Mockingjay (the third book in The Hunger Games series that is being made into a movie in two parts). It would actually be that amazing.

5. Learn to surf.
I think learning to surf would be so awesome!! Surfing looks like so much fun, it looks tricky, but still, I'd love to learn how to do it. I might stick to riding the waves on my boogie board for a little while though.
So there we have it! The top 5 on my Bucket List. Also, not further down would be to meet the rest of The Hunger Games cast, I would love to meet all of them, they seem to be such great people and I love them all.
What would be number 1 on your Bucket List? What have you always wanted to do, but haven't gotten around to it just yet? Let me know by tweeting me at @UrbanNerd_ or dropping me a comment below! I can't wait to hear.
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