Thursday, 30 August 2012

Back To The Future..

Ten years ago people thought that  we would have hovering cars and floating dinner tables. They couldn't have been more wrong.
Yeah, now we have machines where you can just tap the screen and it plays music, and you can talk to people on the other side of the world with just the touch of a button, but not so many things have changed since then.

I can't actually imagine our lives being any more evolved, like, what's the next step up from an iPhone?!
Realistically thinking, I doubt we are going to have phone chips implanted into our brains and flying elevators.
But wouldn't it be cool if we did? One thing I have always wanted is a teleporting machine! It would be absolutely epic. 

I'm actually really curious of what the future will be like, what do you think? Do you think we will have flying cars and all things wonderful? Leave me a comment below or tweet me at @UrbanNerd_ and tell me what your ideal future is!!



  1. I think teleporting would be cool but sorting out the rate of global warnings and climate change and poverty would be more urgent. BUt after that teleporting and flying would be a must :)

    1. Wow, that is really such a great idea. They are some really important issues that seriously need to be sorted out. I like your thinking!! :)
