Thursday, 23 August 2012

Take Some Time To Smell The Roses

I know I have had a lot of adults tell me to 'take some time to smell the roses', and I have always just replied with a sarcastic 'yeah sure'. 

But today I discovered that this was completely true.

I was at my Grandpa's house, and I was sitting on the couch near the fireplace. The flames were flickering inside of the glass door and there I was, just staring. I think I was just in that sort of trance where you are deep in your thoughts, and when you suddenly come out you realise that you look kind of dead, not moving a single muscle, not blinking. So when I finally did arise from this hypnosis, I instantly saw the fire, and it was captivating. The way the flames were moving, how they were vanishing just as quickly as they were appearing, it was really fascinating. I was intrigued.

Then, when we were driving home, there was the most beautiful rainbow that I have ever, ever seen. It was so bright and vibrant, and it instantly brought a smile to my face. The colours in it were so magnificent, the thirty or so picture I took of it did not at all do it justice. For the whole trip home I didn't once take my eyes off of it.

When we finally did get home, I realised that all of these natural wonders were just amazing. I don't know why it took me this long to see that, sometimes, you really do need to take some time out to smell the roses.


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