This man told us a bit of a story, with Ned being the main character. He used yoyo's to make it more fun and exciting, but there was actually a really important point that he was trying to convey.
You see, NED was not only a name, it was also an acronym. (Exciting, I know.)

E- Encourage Others.
D - Do Your Best!
Now that I look back, and reminisce about this performance, I realise that these three letters really taught me a lot.
Never Give Up. I think you should all think about this. If you're doing something you love, and you feel like quitting, don't. You've just got to keep trying and trying, you have no idea how far you can get.
Encourage Others. This one is also extremely important, especially to me. When I first got the idea of this blog, I wasn't really sure if it would work out, but I had plenty of wonderful people encouraging me and telling me that my ideas were great, and that's what pushed me to actually do it.
Do Your Best. It's simple. If you never give up, and you're encouraging others, than you usually are doing your best. If you're reading this and thinking, 'Best? I don't have a best.' Well you're wrong. Everyone is good at something. Everyone.
I'd like to thank this wonderful boy named Ned, for teaching me to never give up, to encourage others, and to always do my best.
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